Poetry by Myself and Others...
Testing Questions, Minds infection, Reach the pure and sure connection. Dancer, Trancer, Necromancer,
Has the Key and knows the answer.
Pity me for what I know,
Laugh with me for what I show.
Entropy can only grow,
Hurry me to where I go.
Emotional ocean, a sea of devotion.
Churning and cresting in endless commotion.
Where is the one to turn the tide?
Where is the one who can stop this ride?
I will find Her, wait and see,
for in the Dark She looks for me.
Always searching, always there,
Sparkles in her long dark hair.
Dreams of the dammed Hopes of the fools Longings unleashed Live by no one's rules Broken dreams Shattered hearts Feelings of sadness Keep lovers apart The longing grows deep The emotions run wild No one hears the cries Of the frightened child Shadows in darkness Darkness in light Who wants to feel When things don't go right? Running from fear Stay in the dark Keep happiness at bay Muffle the spark Unbidden feelings Joy kept quiet Leave an empty void I don't want to try it.... LUCI
From childhood's hour I have not been As others were-I have not seen As others was-I could not bring My passions from a common spring- From the same source I have not taken My sorrow-I could not awaken Myheart to joy at the same tone- And all I lov'd-I lov'd alone- Then-in my childhood-in the dawn From ev'ry depth of good and ill The mystery which binds me still- From the torrent, or the fountain- From the red cliff of the mountain- From the sun that round me roll'd In its autumn tint of gold- From the lightning in the sky As it pass'd me flying by- From the thunder, and the storm- And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view
Her eyes are intense, like the bluest of flame
the pain runs deep; it starts with a name
Her world filled with turmoil, burned deep within
comfort comes only from what others call sin.
Peace runs from her, appearing to hide
While no one knows her agony inside. For she has not one
or two faces to be, but a million would be a drop in the sea.
She takes each day to see whats in store, only to
wonder how much more? To have the appearance of a strong
willed heart while so many miles keep them apart.
She carries a story for this and for that, the answer to
all are in a tat. Strangers could think that she's the
devil's sis, so the black brings a peace and a type of
a bliss.
With eyes of starfire, her hair shiny like silk
She'll leave you crying like a babe wanting milk.
She is the sea as i am the moon; she leaves you conflicted-
sometimes until noon.
If the sun cease to rise
And the moon should never set
You'll know that you've loved "the wicked one"
The "one" that you can never forget.
If by now you wish her to meet you
close your eyes and take a deep breath
Now hold it.......Forever. BEV
Feel free to email me your poetry and if it matches the content of my site, I will post it...